
Burndown chart is a graphical representation of the remaining work and time. It is usually used in agile software development methods, such as Scrum. However, burning charts can be applied to any project that contains measurable progress over a period of time. (Burndown chart 是剩余工作与时间的图形表示。它通常用于敏捷软件开发方法,如Scrum。但是,刻录图表可以应用于任何包含一段时间内可衡量进展的项目。)

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Your product backlog items need to be structured, organized and prioritized to identify the most important things for your team. In this article, I will introduce 100-point method for product backlog refining activities. (您的待办事项需要进行结构化,组织和优先排序,以确定您的团队最重要的事情。在本文中,我将介绍100点方法为产品积压细化活动。)

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Sprint目标 – 如何写?

Sprint goals are a high-level summary of what the product owner wants to achieve during the sprint, usually described in detail through a specific set of product backlog items. (Sprint目标是产品所有者在sprint期间希望实现的目标的高级摘要,通常通过一组特定的产品积压项目进行详细说明。)

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Ken Schwaber, father of Scrum: Agile is an evolution of survival of the fittest (Turing Interview)

The rapid development of software has become the key to the viability of the company, not only in the way the company operates, but also in the software that has been embedded in their products. Enterprises that do not evolve, do not apply agile methods in software and product development, will not be able to compete effectively to survive. (软件发展之迅速,已经成为了公司是否能存活的关键,这不仅关乎公司运转的方式,也关乎已经被嵌入到他们产品中的软件。那些不进化的企业,不在软件和产品开发中应用敏捷方法的企业,就无法有效竞争并存活下来。)

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敏捷开发: 什么是跨职能团队?

The advantages of cross-functional teams in Agile Development lie in improving cross-functional coordination, increasing product and process innovation, and shortening the development cycle of critical customer contact point feedback. (跨职能团队在敏捷开发中的优势在于改进跨职能协调,增加产品和流程创新,缩短关键客户联系点反馈的开发周期。)

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All Agile Software Development Methodologies (SCRUM, Kanban, XP) contain the Agile Manifesto (Core Values) and 12 Agile Principles, which represent a set of values to guide people in an organization how to behave with each other. ( 所有敏捷軟件開發方法(SCRUM,看板,XP)都包含敏捷宣言(核心價值觀)和12個敏捷原則,它們代表了一系列價值觀,用於指導組織中的人們如何相互行事。)

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Agile is the software development methodology that focuses on customer satisfaction by delivery shippable software frequently. Scrum is one of the many approaches to implement Agile. Scrum is suitable for certain type of projects where there are rapidly changing requirements. (敏捷是一种软件开发方法,它通过频繁交付可交付的软件来关注客户满意度。Scrum是实现敏捷的众多方法之一。Scrum适用于需求变化迅速的特定类型的项目。)

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传统项目管理 vs 敏捷项目管理

Traditional project management emphasizes on conducting detailed upfront planning for the project with emphasis on fixing the scope, cost and schedule – and managing those parameters. Whereas, Scrum encourages data-based, iterative decision making in which the primary focus is on delivering products that satisfy customer requirements. (传统的项目管理强调对项目进行详细的前期规划,强调确定范围、成本和进度,并管理这些参数。然而,Scrum鼓励基于数据的、迭代的决策,其中主要关注的是交付满足客户需求的产品。)

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When talking about Agile, we often talk about ”Agile” and ”Scrum,” but, how exactly are related, and how are they different? We take a look of this issue in this Article. (在谈到敏捷时, 我们经常谈论 “敏捷” 和 “scrum”, 但是, 它们到底有什么关系, 它们有什么不同?我们在本文中介绍了这一问题。)

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